海外のトレンドを取り入れた外国風テーブルコ ーディネートと色彩心理、パーソナルカラー診断は東京都のMIWA KODA STUDIO(ミワ コウダ スタジオ)

Seasonal Lesson Gallery
When starting a new table coordination, we consider who is gathering, the sort of occasion, what conversation they would enjoy, the food they will be eating, etc. We plan a color combination for the table, including the china, glasses, figures, flower arrangements, and linen. The table coordination, which also takes into account personal taste and the season, creates a landscape architecture on the table.Creating many table coordinations based on a variety of concepts, each time we think about providing the special space and moment that people can enjoy, to enhance their communication.We relish the pleasure of creating the tables.